The Red Tent

The Red Tent


Ever heard of the Red Tent?

Well now you have!

The Red Tent movement is based on a fictional book set in Biblical times where women gather during menstruation providing a precious sanctuary to share thoughts, seek solace and pass on knowledge. I had touched on this subject during my prenatal training and it sparked an interest within me that I needed to know more. When an opportunity to do a facilitators training on this subject arose, I signed up for what was supposed to be a 4 day journey,  ending in a 9 month path of healing, discovery and wisdom!

Getting stuck into the content of the Red Tent Facilitator Training was exactly what I needed, something to feed my soul and experiencing what it means to gather in the red tent circle, although in a somewhat more modern fashion of having circles via the internet.


What to expect in a Red Tent Circle

The Red tent circle gives women, from every culture and every walk of life, an opportunity to get together and share their greatest achievements and heal their deepest hurts. Strong connections and friendships are made as these circles offer a safe and nurturing environment  to release, heal and feel the infinite power and strength  that can often be buried deep within.

Why is it a space for women only?

The Red tent is specifically for women as not only does it provide a space for ladies to connect with their emotions but with their bodies as well. For thousands of years woman have felt shame, embarrassed or possibly disgusted of their cycle. However, recognizing that this is as natural as the moon phases and often connected to them,  it gives an opportunity to meet with our innermost feminine center, the womb, and allows for engagement with our creative source acknowledging we can our lives to our fullest potential.

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