Yoga for a Bruised Coccyx

Yoga for a Bruised Coccyx

On our recent trip to Europe, we decided to give a try to cross country ski-ing. It is not as easy as it seems, when you watch people on the t.v. wizzing down mountain sides either cross country or slaalem ski-ing, they make it seem so effortless.
You do not realise that from the first moment you click your skis onto your wierd looking boots, you slip and slide all over the snow, there is no friction to keep you steady… at all…

As soon as you have the confidence that you are starting to get the hang of things – BANG! You ‘re on your butt, skis up in the air, wondering what went wrong! And from this experience I had to do some Yoga for the coccyx.

The coccyx, which comes from the Greek term for “cuckoo” (as it looks a lot like the beak of a bird) or most commonly known as the tail bone can sometimes get injured from a fall or other trauma.


Firstly, if you are feeling intense pain in your coccyx for what ever reason, it would be reccommended to see a doctor. If there is a slight discomfort from a fall or from sitting on a uncomfortable surface for a long period of time here are some postures and tips to help relieve the pain.


This gentle pose stretches the whole spine, it takes pressure off the lower back offering your tailbone a bit of extra relief, as well as giving yourself a relaxing mental reset.


This stregnthens and increases flexibility through out the entire back body. One leg can be lifted at time to warm up gently. It is not about how high you lift your legs, but rather feeling the stretch all through your back to the tip of your toes!

Bridge pose gentley stretches the spine. It is considered a mild inversion (less strenuous than other inversions, such as Headstand) and holds all the benefits of inversions: Relief from stress, fatigue, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and mild depression.

Walking is a great way to releave discomfort and pressure, especially if it has been a day of sitting or driving too much.

As frustrating as injuries are, it is a reminder as to how fragile our bodies can be, but with gentle care and doing what works for our situation, we have the capacity to heal ourselves.

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