Embarking on a Mindfulness Journey…

Embarking on a Mindfulness Journey…

There is one thing that you do not realize when you embark on this journey of learning about Yoga, it is never ending! I have never been one for academics, but this passion for yoga has really inspired something in me to keep on learning this beautiful subject.

I am now taking a few online courses in Mindfulness, which will enable to me to broaden my teaching skills to teach children about Mindfulness, Meditation & Yoga. Before I can do this, I have to  start with a fundamentals course, where I will have to incorporate practices into my life. Seems pretty simple, as being a teacher of Yoga & Meditation, I do live as much as a “mindful life” as I can; although its brought up the question of, Am I living a life of Mindfulness off the mat?

Meditation is part of my every day sadhana, however let’s keep in mind that meditation and mindfulness are two different things – mindfulness is awareness of something; meditation is awareness of no-thing! Mindfulness is a wonderful bi-product of meditation which increases our concentration and focus.

So… back to living a mindful life… I am definitely more aware in my life. I am aware of the different emotions that come up and how they create my actions, and sometimes I only realize this after the deed (good or bad) had been done. Is this mindfulness? Maybe… However, I do believe that being mindful is more than a self-observation? I am really excited to start a journey of deeper self-exploration, learning more of how to be more mindful and present in life.

“Creating a new mind is like cultivating a garden. The manifestations you produce from the garden of your mind will be just like the crops from the earths soil. Tend well.” Joe Dispenza

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