Making Friends with Your Ego

Making Friends with Your Ego

Hearing the word ego, I always thought it was someone who thought very highly of themselves, who would put others down to make others think they were inferior. However, ego has many faces – yes there is obnoxious and arrogant, to the other spectrum there is shy and anxious, and all the other names we can fill between the two.

Studying myself and my ego in which it has acted out in all of the above, I have come to know we can tame the inner beast or provoke the introvert to shine a little more. We so often get told to drop ego, not to listen to the mind and we have no idea what that even means! I feel for the majority of time, ego (and the over thinking mind), will always be with us, the lesson is to become a master of your ego and not a servant to it.

Through meditation and taking note of feelings within the body and choosing to not pay attention to what the mind is saying, we can decipher what is true and which is not. We then recognize that we are not greater than another nor are we less than another! In this we feel our interconnectedness and compassion.

Living life in alignment with intuition and integrity we reveal our true selves, not the version of what we think we should be or what others expect of us. A quote from one of my most inspirational teachers is “Authenticity is the action of presence without pretense!”

Be brave and step out of your comfort zone. Listen to your intuition, step into your authentic self and observe your ego become calm allowing you to embrace your space of authenticity.

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